Here are some tips that will hold you in good stead for D-Day:
Take two/three tests with a lot of emphasis on analysis:
After taking a national percentile ranking test like the SIMCAT, note down your total attempts within the allotted time frame. Then, arrive at the number of correct and incorrect attempts. You may feel as to why you should ponder over the correct attempts. Ah!there might be a faster or an easier way to do the same! Second, w.r.t the incorrect attempts, if the same has been due to oversight, tell yourself you will be more vigilant the next time. If it was the outcome of a blind guess, then you must resolve to steer clear of such an approach because of the spectre of negative marking. And last but not the least, if the incorrect attempt was because of lack of knowledge of the concept, then go back to your basics to that extent! Also, do not forget to have a kettle of tea or coffee next to you !
Work hard on areas of weakness and capitalize on areas of strength
If any of the components ,i.e. Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation or English, has been an area of concern, please do not hesitate to devote quality time to concepts. Sections you are good at, you can fine tune attempts a bit!
Read the Instructions page carefully on test day:
"Elementary, my dear Watson!” would say Sherlock Holmes! But test takers ever so often do not read the instructions page carefully before zeroing in on a strategy. Reading this page is important from the point of view of knowing the marking system and the distribution of sections.
Keep away from the ‘Fixed Strategy’ approach:
Since the CAT does not have a fixed pattern with respect to number of questions, question type or the marking system, do not have a fixed way of approaching the test. The only cardinal rule that you need to keep in mind is start garnering marks in your kitty by attempting questions that you are sure about! Remember, there are always simple questions and absolute sitters in the paper, visible when you devote a couple of minutes scanning the questions.
Keep cool and do not succumb to paranoia:
Being in the right frame of mind is half the battle won! This is very essential because anxiety and negativity will kill the golden goose! You must be what a good manager is in times of crisis and uncertainty- cool, calm and collected. This will help select the right questions.
All the best for a fantastic experience!
Jaya Desai,
Centre Head - IMS.
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