IDIOTS Guide to Proverbian Approach to CAT08
Well its been close to 6 months since i took CAT 07. Almost 6 months remain for CAT 08. SO i believe its the right time to share my thoughts about CAT.
ps: I am noting down whatever that comes to my mind .Whatever i have typed below are personal opinions and should be taken in the right spirt
1.The longest journey starts with a single step
As rightly said by MAO, Please dont get intimidated by the sheer volume of CAT syllabus. Beleive me no one has actuallty completed all the materails at his disposal. Just think that this is the right time to start ur preperation. Start with small doses before getting into high profile stuffs.
2. Stitch in time saves Nine
The basic motto is to be REGULAR.So you should be spending the MAX(time at ur disposal) for ur CAT preperations every day.It may be 2 or 3 or even 5 hours everyday.For people who are working, its quite difficult but nobody other than urselves can help you out . Even if you are not in a mood to learn, do develop a habit of spending 2-3 hours daily on CAT related tasks. It can either be reading Newspapes etc or doing simple Arithmetics or going through Grammar. It is humanly impossible to go through all the sections(Quant/DI/Verbal/Reasoning) and its subsections(Number theory, Time speed, Probability, RC, Grammar etc) in a single day. SO u can schedule urselves in such a way that you brush up all the sections within every 3 days and all subsections in say every 10 days
3.A friend in need is a friend indeed
Try Forming a study group. Pagalguy is having vibrant communities @ most of the metros.Make use of it. Get new friends.if u r staying with ur frineds who arent preparing for CAT I strongly suggest u to rent out a new home with fellow aspirants for say 6-7 months and then move back.
4.A problem shared is a problem halved
Be active @ pagalguy.com
. Try contacting seniors/ fellow aspirants and try talking out ur issues. Post devotedly.One important thing to be noted is not to get intimidated by the scores other pagals are posting. Just think that pagalguy is a den where all these 99.99%tilers participate. But there are also other cool percentiles to grab during the actual CAT. believe me 98.91% tile is also cool...So be confident and work towards ur goal
5.Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely
The basic idea is not to be over confident.I personally know at least 7-8 heavy weights who have faltered at the final step. They were getting mesmerising scores at mocks(99+ %tiles
) but couldnt perform well during the D day. So if u r having good mock cat scores, then its well and good.BUt dont be over confident and treat the lesser mortals in a derogatory way. You never know whats going to happen on November 19th. So be cool
and work towards ur goal
6.Make hay while the sun shines
The basic idea is to be flexible.Be flexible in ur strategy.But not on the Dday. You will get ample mocks to finalise ur strategy. BUt dont have a rigid time frame like (50-50-50) for the sections. Do learn thru the mocks on which section to start with and apply ur self developed strategies accordingly
7.It's not worth crying over spilt milk/Let bygones be bygones
This should be the golden rule. You might be getting close to 98 % tile overall and clearing all sectionals mock after mock but one fine day ur mock score became 68%tile.Learn ur mistake and get out of it. MOck CAT will give u an approximate picture on where u will be standing .. not the absolute picture.. Have faith in thyself and continue working towards ur goal.
8.Don't put all your eggs in one basket
You may be a heavy weight. You may be getting
KILLER PERCENTILES @ mocks. Everyone knows that u r destined to be @ IIM-A. BUt u never know what future has in store for you. SO do write other exams like XAT/SNAP/FMS/NMAT/JMET etc. Write these exams get a good score, get a call , convert that call and then decide whether to join or not to join. Because Our thought process changes a lot once we get a REJECTION. So always have a backup plan
9.Don't try to walk before you can crawl
Preparing for CAT should be a step by step approach.Dont start with Full length tests if u r not comfortable about the basics. Its not the number of
Mocks/FLTs that matter but what u deduce from them matters the most
10.Oil and water don't mix
"Either u r with us or You are against us"-George Bush proclaimed after 9/11. Similarly words like laziness,boredom,Apni yeh Paatshala Masti ki patshaala dont go hand in hand with ur CAT preperation. I am not asing you to be a book worm. You have to be active but ur activities shouldnt hamper ur CAT preperation tempo. So a strict NO to gossips, masti, booze, pubs, girlfriends/ boyfriends etc when its ur study time.
11.Put your best foot forward
You have prepared diligently and its ur final day. Be cool. If u have prepared well Just think that You havent done that much crimes in life so that GOD is
gonna harm you at this juncture.Its ur day and perform well.
12.All's fair in love and war
This is a very very very tricky one. Viewer discretion advised. You may have to face situations @ actual CAT where you may get undue advantages.Instances like copying, not giving back the OMR etc are a strict NO NO
. What i meant is say for eg: the instructor @ ur class room may give 5 minutes extra due to his stupidity. So make use of the time.Just go with the tide. I personally know people who have sat idle thinking about morality at that point.Please remember that Alexander Ruled the world not Harischandra...
13.Learn to keep ur Mouth shut and Ears Opened
When it comes to CAT , 100 people will be having 101 opinions. Do listen to it thru one ear, and if its crap let it pass out through the other ear.Believe me there might be situations when some wise people advice u to change ur startegy a day prior to D DAY. Approach only those people whom u genuinely think will help u ( @ pagalguy u will find hoards of them). Also dont go around proclaiming that you are preapring for CAT and u r expecting IIM calls. Its indeed a soothing experience to tell others if u have 98% tile but quite heart breaking when every tom **** and harry asks u about IIM calls when u r actually having 80%tile.
Thats it from my side.WIll kep this post updated..
IDIOTS Guide to Proverbian Approach to CAT08
Well its been close to 6 months since i took CAT 07. Almost 6 months remain for CAT 08. SO i believe its the right time to share my thoughts about CAT.
ps: I am noting down whatever that comes to my mind .Whatever i have typed below are personal opinions and should be taken in the right spirt
1.The longest journey starts with a single step
As rightly said by MAO, Please dont get intimidated by the sheer volume of CAT syllabus. Beleive me no one has actuallty completed all the materails at his disposal. Just think that this is the right time to start ur preperation. Start with small doses before getting into high profile stuffs.
2. Stitch in time saves Nine
The basic motto is to be REGULAR.So you should be spending the MAX(time at ur disposal) for ur CAT preperations every day.It may be 2 or 3 or even 5 hours everyday.For people who are working, its quite difficult but nobody other than urselves can help you out . Even if you are not in a mood to learn, do develop a habit of spending 2-3 hours daily on CAT related tasks. It can either be reading Newspapes etc or doing simple Arithmetics or going through Grammar. It is humanly impossible to go through all the sections(Quant/DI/Verbal/Reasoning) and its subsections(Number theory, Time speed, Probability, RC, Grammar etc) in a single day. SO u can schedule urselves in such a way that you brush up all the sections within every 3 days and all subsections in say every 10 days
3.A friend in need is a friend indeed
Try Forming a study group. Pagalguy is having vibrant communities @ most of the metros.Make use of it. Get new friends.if u r staying with ur frineds who arent preparing for CAT I strongly suggest u to rent out a new home with fellow aspirants for say 6-7 months and then move back.
4.A problem shared is a problem halved
Be active @ pagalguy.com
5.Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely
The basic idea is not to be over confident.I personally know at least 7-8 heavy weights who have faltered at the final step. They were getting mesmerising scores at mocks(99+ %tiles
6.Make hay while the sun shines
The basic idea is to be flexible.Be flexible in ur strategy.But not on the Dday. You will get ample mocks to finalise ur strategy. BUt dont have a rigid time frame like (50-50-50) for the sections. Do learn thru the mocks on which section to start with and apply ur self developed strategies accordingly
7.It's not worth crying over spilt milk/Let bygones be bygones
This should be the golden rule. You might be getting close to 98 % tile overall and clearing all sectionals mock after mock but one fine day ur mock score became 68%tile.Learn ur mistake and get out of it. MOck CAT will give u an approximate picture on where u will be standing .. not the absolute picture.. Have faith in thyself and continue working towards ur goal.
8.Don't put all your eggs in one basket
You may be a heavy weight. You may be getting
9.Don't try to walk before you can crawl
Preparing for CAT should be a step by step approach.Dont start with Full length tests if u r not comfortable about the basics. Its not the number of
Mocks/FLTs that matter but what u deduce from them matters the most
10.Oil and water don't mix
"Either u r with us or You are against us"-George Bush proclaimed after 9/11. Similarly words like laziness,boredom,Apni yeh Paatshala Masti ki patshaala dont go hand in hand with ur CAT preperation. I am not asing you to be a book worm. You have to be active but ur activities shouldnt hamper ur CAT preperation tempo. So a strict NO to gossips, masti, booze, pubs, girlfriends/ boyfriends etc when its ur study time.
11.Put your best foot forward
You have prepared diligently and its ur final day. Be cool. If u have prepared well Just think that You havent done that much crimes in life so that GOD is
gonna harm you at this juncture.Its ur day and perform well.
12.All's fair in love and war
This is a very very very tricky one. Viewer discretion advised. You may have to face situations @ actual CAT where you may get undue advantages.Instances like copying, not giving back the OMR etc are a strict NO NO
13.Learn to keep ur Mouth shut and Ears Opened
When it comes to CAT , 100 people will be having 101 opinions. Do listen to it thru one ear, and if its crap let it pass out through the other ear.Believe me there might be situations when some wise people advice u to change ur startegy a day prior to D DAY. Approach only those people whom u genuinely think will help u ( @ pagalguy u will find hoards of them). Also dont go around proclaiming that you are preapring for CAT and u r expecting IIM calls. Its indeed a soothing experience to tell others if u have 98% tile but quite heart breaking when every tom **** and harry asks u about IIM calls when u r actually having 80%tile.
Thats it from my side.WIll kep this post updated..
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