Sunday, June 14, 2009

CONFUSIBLES: Avoiding Confusion Between Lookalikes, Soundalikes, False Friends, Etc.

CONFUSIBLES: Avoiding Confusion Between Lookalikes, Soundalikes, False Friends, Etc.
1. apprise, appraise: Take care not to confuse these two verbs. To appraise means ‘to evaluate, estimate the worth of: The valuer appraised the painting; It was difficult to appraise their contribution. To apprise is a formal word meaning little more than ‘to tell, to notify’. It often occurs in the passive and is almost always followed by the preposition of: We were apprised of the facts behind the dispute.
2. allusion, delusion, illusion
3. blatant, flagrant
4. elate, exalt, exult
5. exotic, exquisite

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